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Matrescence Support
Making Sense of Motherhood
From conception and onwards.

Becoming a mother, with each pregnancy, is a all consuming.

Ever changing in a physical, emotional and hormonal way. 


Our society has evolved into something that does not support us as individuals.


Yes, we have the need for connection and community, but we are all unique beings and I'm here to support and advocate for you, as you mother your way. 


I am a true believer in connecting to yourself first and foremost, understanding your body and all the factors that can effect us, the rest will follow. 


We need to unlearn and learn to trust in our bodies and intuitive thoughts.


Matrescence starts from conception and is ever growing and evolving.

Often we are waiting for this "moment" in motherhood, but what if we just embraced the now. Often wishing for our old life, but how can we forever look at the now and forward. 


Support during your pregnancy, looking to birth and beyond.


Listening and being there for you in your on going post partum- we are not meant to be doing this alone. 


Educating on baby and toddler development: why are they really not sleeping? Why are they having tantrums?


Our society regular deems that our babies and children need to change, when they are actually behaving biologically. 


I believe it's parents that need support, so we can go on to support our children. 


I offer one to ones online and at my home, in Ramsgate.


Facilitating you to find out your needs and how we can support you.


Listening to what is happening in your now.


Chatting through considerations such as hormones, our biology, your child's development and other factors.


Being your soundboard of what support you might need.


There are no short term solutions and even though we are looking at the now, we are also looking at the long term.


Our sessions will be led by your needs, focusing on a particular area of parenthood such as birth, babycare, food, sleep, behaviour, play and getting through your day to day. 


I can support you with meal plans, techniques to use throughout the day to regulate your needs and those of your family's. 


No prescriptive advice.

No telling you what to do.

No plans.








First session 90 minutes to get to know each other.

Taking a holistic approach, every thing is linked so good to have some background.

Sharing only what you feel comfortable is a high priority.



On going weekly support: one hour sessions.



A minimum of 5 sessions is recommended.


Happy to discuss payment plans.


We can continue with our weekly sessions or moving to bi-monthly or monthly sessions after these initial 5, but openly discussing what feels right for you. 


Get in touch below to arrange a free chat before booking in. 

Sessions available 7 days a week

We can chat through suitable timings for us both.


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